above image credit: angela chan
my name is aditi. my pronouns are she/her.
i enjoy a good cup of coffee, hammocking, miniature things, pets that have fun & obscure names, archery, singing, being sex-positive, and being body-neutral.
i grew up in a tiny suburb of chicago called lisle.
i am a daughter of immigrants.
i have a b.s in natural resources and environmental sciences from university of illinois at urbana champaign (i-l-l!).
my concentration is in resource conservation and restoration ecology and my areas of interest within my field are environmental + ag justice, food systems, and wetland management.
i also have an passion for applying my degree to the context of healthcare and medicine. some may call this climate health or bring in the concept of “one health”, but i call it practical (i don’t really call it that, or else it would just get wordy…but i do think it is practical).
though i am in no hurry, i am interested in medical school, nursing school, or some form of healthcare professional school in the near future. for now, however, i am interested in working in healthcare and research spaces. i am also using this time to slow things down and take the time to recover, heal, and nurture (in that order).
left image/art credit: nidhi brahmakshatriya